Civil / Warrant Division
Civil Process section
Civil law enforcement is the original function of a Sheriff’s office. In old England the first sheriffs were selected by the King to collect taxes and that is still a substantial part of our duties today, even though the Sheriff is an elected official.
It has been said that the law is 90 percent civil and 10 percent criminal. This is, most likely, the origin of the saying, ‘possession is 9/10 of the law’ because civil law does indeed deal with people’s Real and Personal possessions.
Some Things We Do Not Do
The Sheriff’s Office has the authority and duty to intervene in matters of a criminal nature. This is not true in civil matters. In order for the Sheriff to become involved in anything of a civil nature, he must have a court-issued document in hand that specifies certain actions that he must take on behalf of the plaintiff. The deputies of the Ector County Sheriff are not attorneys and so are not able to give any legal advice. We urge anyone with legal concerns to contact an attorney.
The Civil Office serves papers pertaining to Child Support, Divorces, Small Claims Lawsuits, Various Writs, Evictions, Garnishments, Delinquent Taxes, & Tax Sales.
Mental Heath Section
The Ector County Sheriff's Office has 3 specially trained deputies that respond to persons in a mental health crisis.
The goal of these officers is to divert mental health consumers from the Criminal Justice System, when appropriate, and connect them with necessary mental health services.
All three of these officers are licensed peace officers, who have successfully completed the TCOLE Mental Health Certification Course.
Warrant Section
The Ector county Sheriff's Office warrant division is comprised of two full time warrant deputies. These deputies work with the Lone Star Fugitive Task Force to serve major felony warrants. They also work on the more than 15,000 warrants that are housed at the Sheriff's Office. Around 1000 Ector County warrants are served each month by all the law enforcement agencies in Ector County and nationwide.
Warrants served range from Class ‘C’ misdemeanor to Capital Felony.
Schedule of fees
District/County/Justice/Foreign Courts
Capias (Civil/Warrant) |
$ 200.00 |
Citation |
$ 100.00 |
Citation by Publication (Plus cost of Publication) |
$ 100.00
Citation by Posting |
$ 100.00 |
Citation with Order Setting Hearing |
$ 200.00 |
Deep Preparation |
$ 40.00 |
Deed Recording |
$ 30.00 |
Distress Warrant |
$200.00 |
Eviction Citation (Forcible Detainer) |
$100.00 |
Executing Bill of Sale |
$ 40.00 |
Judgment Nisi |
$100.00 |
Mental / Alcohol / Drug Commitment |
Notice - Posting as required by law (Each location) |
$ 30.00 |
Notice by Publication (Plus cost of publication) |
$100.00 |
Notice of Hearing/Order Setting Hearing |
$100.00 |
Notice of Trustee Sale / Foreclosure Sale |
$100.00 |
Order of Retrieval Citation |
$100.00 |
Order of Retrieval |
$100.00 |
Order of Sale |
$200.00 |
Order (Not specified) |
$100.00 |
Precept of Serve |
$100.00 |
Restraining Order |
$100.00 |
Show Cause Order Notice |
$100.00 |
Subpoena |
$100.00 |
Summons |
$100.00 |
Tax Citation |
$100.00 |
Temporary / Ex Parte Protective Order |
$100.00 |
Temporary Restraining Order |
$100.00 |
Turnover Order |
$200.00 |
Writ of Attachment |
$200.00 |
Writ of Execution |
$200.00 |
Writ of Garnishment |
$100.00 |
Writ of Injunction |
$100.00 |
Writ of Habeas Corpus |
$100.00 |
Writ of Mandamus |
$100.00 |
Writ of Possession |
$200.00 |
Writ of Reentry |
$150.00 |
Writ of Restitution |
$150.00 |
Writ of Restoration |
$150.00 |
Writ of Sequestration |
$200.00 |
Writs (Not specified) |
$150.00 |
All other civil process not specified |
$100.00 |
Law Enforcement Estray Program:
Boarding & Feeding:
Large (Cattle, Horses, Ostrich, Etc.) Per Day / Per Animal ...........$15.00Small (Goats, Sheep, Emu, Rhea,Etc.) Per Day / Per Animal .........$10.00
Large (Cattle, Horses, Ostrich, Etc.) First Animal ........................$50.00
Each Additional Animal .............................$25.00
Small (Goats, Sheep, Emu, Rhea, Etc.) First Animal ....................$20.00
Each Additional Animal .............................$10.00
Return / Delivery Charge:
First Animal (Any Size) ............................................................$50.00
Each Additional Animal (Any Size) .............................................$25.00
Commission of Orders of Sale and Writs of Execution: 10% of first $10,000.00; 5% of next $15,000.00; 2.5% thereafter, not to exceed $2,500.00.
In all cases coming from any county other than Ector County, or from outside the State of Texas, the Sheriff or Constable shall not be compelled to execute any process until all anticipated costs involved in such process shall have been paid as authorized under Rule 126.T.R.C.P.
Please make your cashier's check or money order payable to:
Mike Griffis, Sheriff
Ector County Sheriff's Office - Civil Division
P.O. Box 2066
Odessa, Texas 79760